Ok! So here we go with all the photos from the show. Starting with, of course...... the inimitable 'Percival'. Doesn't he look haughty?

Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that makes you smile. We're not quantified; there's no chart of desire. When the roaring flames of your heart have burned down to embers, may you find that you have married your best friend. [Steven Tyler]
Ok! So here we go with all the photos from the show. Starting with, of course...... the inimitable 'Percival'. Doesn't he look haughty?
He really made himself at home and I didn't want to give him back. This little chap is going to be loved so much. Susan and Howard lost their beautiful Chihauhuas 'Peanut' just before Christmas in very sad circumstances and with very little warning. He was a rescue dog who had been very badly treated and when he came to live with them he had hardly any fur and could barely put one foot in front of the other without falling over. They sorted him out very quickly and he was a little treasure who we all miss dearly.
So I have no doubt that Rupert is going to capture everyones heart - he already has mine!
Unfortunately, I had to give him back and here he is in his own little house. It's really a cat house but shush! don't tell him that. Mr Pigeon is doing well too, he's settled in really well and looks a lot more relaxed. His wing is still not fully repaired but it's improving. So it has been a nice end to a day of three halves!
Here are a few more pieces of Stampbord from the Stampbord Sampler that I finished last Monday. I will post a pic of the completed piece soon..... promise!
These squares are just a small portion that go together to make a much larger piece of work. All stamps are by Elusive Images. ........... and another little taster! But that's your lot.
This tag and cards are things I made some time ago -The tags on this card above and the one below have been sprayed with glistening inks. The effects are stunning and so much better than I have managed to capture in a photograph. The cards are collaged with stamped images, some embossing and a few tastful embelishments.
Diesel at Christmas - Looking quite Angelic!
Diesel landed gracefully in the lower garden and there was this poor bird, it's wings still flailing madly as it tried in vain to extracate itself from the jaws of the monster which had it in his grips.
I'm afraid this is one of Diesel's more unsavoury traits and one which he has possessed since being just a little pup. Within a couple of weeks of getting him he was chasing small birds. I used to scream at him to 'LEAVE' and he would stop momentarilly, look at the mad woman who was bellowing insanely, look at the little birds and decide it was much more fun to carry on chasing the poor little things than to give in and heel. My husband said, 'don't worry, he'll never catch one'! Huh, within the week he was proudly walking around with the first little brown bird in his mouth.
Fortunately, he has a very soft mouth and hardly ever 'closes' his jaws. He really is a gently giant. But the little birds don't know that and of course, they are petrified and more likely to die of fright than from any damage Diesel would inflict. Once shouted at, he will instantly release the poor little thing and leave me with a quivering ball of wet feathers.Mr Pigeon - Today in his Cage!
I saw a glimmering vision
It took my breath away
'twas the silhouette of a shepherd
More regal than words can say
The beams of light they danced
on a coat of endless black
A vision of perfection
Atop an iron back
He stood there like a statue
for all the world to see
What a vision of perfection
The German shepherd can be
The look of a noble prince
Lord of all he surveys
Confident in himself
Eyes fixed in aristocratic gaze
Never shall I forget
The vision I saw that day
Of the mighty shepherd
Who took my breath away